Goodbye – 9th Anniversary Poem

Hello, my amazing WordPress family.

I hope it’s not too late to wish you all a happy new year. I’ve missed you all.

Yay! It’s my 9th blogversary on WordPress and I must say it has been an enriching and exceptional experience sharing my thoughts and life experiences with you all.

To celebrate this feat, I’ll share a piece I wrote this morning with you all. It’s a poem of hope and healing that sprung up in my soul after I had gone through three weeks of emotional pain.

Goodbye yesterday, goodbye yesteryear.
Goodbye to failure, frustration and fear.
It’s a new dawn, it’s a new season.
I’ve climbed God’s hills, it’s a new horizon.

Goodbye guilt, goodbye gloom.
Goodbye darkness, death and doom.
Hello hope and healing, I am free again.
Christ has saved me from the pit of pain.

Goodbye tension, goodbye trauma.
Goodbye deep depression and drama.
Hello, faith and freedom – my new companions.
I am no longer a slave to negative opinions.

Goodbye affliction, goodbye addictions.
Goodbye reproach, regret and restrictions.
Hello, redemption, I have the victory.
I am saved from every mess and misery.

Goodbye hardship, goodbye hostility.
Goodbye suffering, sorrow and scarcity.
Hello harvest, there’s no more hindrance.
I am swimming in sweetness and superabundance.

Goodbye dismay, goodbye disappointment.
Goodbye rage, wrath and resentment.
Hello, favour, I’m loved and limitless.
I am graced with glory and greatness.

Goodbye, hurts, goodbye haunting shadows.
Goodbye weariness and worry windows.
Jesus’ joy and peace now flow in my soul.
Christ has transformed and made me whole.

Goodbye to the broke and broken me.
Goodbye to the voiceless version of me.
Hello, joy, the blessings are abounding.
I’m a champion, my victory is resounding.
© Adeleke Adeite 2023

If you are inspired and strengthened by this piece, share your favourite line/verse in the comment box.
Kindly share this piece with your family and friends.

Keep rising. 🤗❤️

21 Lessons of 2021

2021 is a year I would consider a defining year for me. I started the year as a homeless and broken man striving to find hope, help, and healing. I went through diverse floods and flames.

At a particular point, I was visiting the hospital frequently till medical bills drained me financially, but through it all, God remained faithful. I lost some vital relationships but I found God in my darkest season, and He introduced me to my true self.

The crushing and pressing of 2021 made me a new wine. I rose from the ashes as pure gold. All thanks to God and the friends who were able to hear the echoes of my silence.

Here are some of the lessons I learned the hard way…

1. Rock bottom is a place of deep discovery and real recovery.

2. Sometimes you feel lost and lonely because God wants you to see Him as your one and only.

3. Be happy to miss those who make your life miserable. Be glad that they showed you that you deserve better.

4. Isolation is one of the greatest preparation for divine manifestation. A seed is buried before it blooms.

5. Sometimes, God allows enemies to surround you because He wants to prepare a table before you in their presence. Don’t focus on the troubles of life, look forward to the ‘table of triumph’.

6. God will sometimes set your comfort zone ablaze so you can move to a growth zone.

7. There is a time to give up, and there is a time to get up and grow up. Giving up is good when it’s done at the right time. We enjoy new beginnings when we enforce necessary endings.

8. Quit! Quit paying attention to the things draining your peace and joy.

9. Two people you must avoid: the people you cannot help and those that can’t help you become a better person. (This has nothing to do with material gains)

10. God can restore wasted years and wipe away fiery tears.

11. Don’t rush into relationships, don’t force friendships. Build yourself to attract valuable and vibrant relationships.

12. Be valuable enough to stand alone. Be responsible enough to attract support.

14. Every season comes with lessons and blessings. Gratitude gives you access to blessings while positive attitude helps you maximize the lessons in every season.

15. Your darkest season may be preparing for your brightest sparkle.

17. You can’t pray away certain pains when you a pregnant with purpose. Prayer will only give you the peace and patience to grow through the painful process.

18. A prosperous life starts with a positive and productive mind.

19. No one owes you anything. You owe yourself everything. Keep growing till you become a magnet of resourceful relationships.

20. You are made to manifest but there are times you need to be hidden in the place of preparation.

21. Your words shape your world. Don’t declare defeat when the fight is still on.
Win with words.

Adeleke Adeite

My new book will be available for download soon. Watch out. Thank you for your support, my dearest friends. I wish you a peaceful and prosperous new year.

Share the lessons that resonate with you in the comment section.

Revenge and Recovery

A man who keeps walking back to an ugly past should not expect to arrive at a beautiful future.

Life is a perfect place for imperfect people. No matter how loving and caring we are, we sometimes hurt ourselves knowingly or unknowingly.

Some offences are forgivable while some seem to be unforgivable in magnitude. Their impact can be devastating and life-threatening. However, love is still the answer to the questions of every broken heart.

We don’t have to forgive everyone who wrongs us but we need to give ourselves the freedom to live and love again – this is only possible when we forgive. The fact that someone hurt us should not make us stop living our best life.

An offence should not automatically become a death sentence to the offended person.

Some people do not deserve our forgiveness for what they’ve said or done. But if we desire to live in peace and joy, we must choose to make our hearts a paradise where love reigns, and not a prison where we nurse negative emotions.

Don’t stop living your best life because of your worst experience. A flower does not stop blooming because it is planted in dirty soil. Find healing in that hurt. Find meaning in that mess.

Stop cheating yourself, and stop allowing your emotions to cheat you. The time you are using to replay the terrible experiences you’ve had with people can be used to rebuild your life. The time you are using to plan revenge can be used to seek genuine recovery and restoration.

Revenge can bring a false feeling of relief but it will never guarantee complete freedom from pain. Revenge often creates two damaged losers, no one wins eventually. There is no point in being even with an evil person.

Shun the desire to have a tie with a terrible person. Play a better game, win with love. If revenge will bring you recovery, go for it. I just know that you don’t cure headaches by hitting your head hard.

Revenge creates a cycle of rage and resentment while forgiveness creates a fountain of freedom and fulfilment. The choice is yours.

Forgiveness is sometimes a hard choice to make when the wound is still fresh and painful, but with patience, prayers and intentional pursuit of peace, it becomes easier to forgive.

Today, submit your heart to God in prayers, seek His love and let Him take care of the pains that time can not heal. Seek counselling and therapy if need be. Don’t keep sinking in self-pity and hopelessness. There is more for your life.

Finally, remember that looking good, living a better life and loving yourself more is the best revenge. Seek the best revenge!

Hey friends, I have not been publishing my writings for a while because I’ve been recuperating and I’m in a process of career transition. I missed you all.

How do you deal with offences and offenders? Please share in the comment section.

Living and Forgiving

We live in an imperfect world filled with flawed people. Some folks will never be sorry for the wrongs they do while some will never show appreciation for the gifts they get. If everyone on earth is perfect, there won’t be any need for tolerance and love.

Love is the fragrance that creates a balance in a world that is polluted with ignorance, arrogance and imbalance.

We cannot survive or thrive without vital relationships. Since everyone on this planet is created for connection either directly or indirectly. However, one of the things that come with connections is conflict.

No matter how much we try to cultivate love and relate responsibly, there will always be offences and arguments.

Conflict does not always indicate the absence of love, it’s sometimes a sign that someone or something is broken and needs to be fixed.

We all are imperfect, as much as we get hurt by others, we also hurt others too whether it’s intentional or not. We all need forgiveness at one point or the other in the journey of life.

However, one of the hardest things to do is to forgive someone or ignore the pain they inflicted. It becomes even more difficult when the people who hurt us refuse to show any remorse or apologise for the wrongs they’ve done. Yet we must strive to live free of hurt

Forgiveness is not a gift you give to those who hurt you, it’s a gift to yourself. Forgiveness gives us the freedom to move forward, live free and fulfil our divine purpose with joy.

Forgiveness helps us to release toxic people and the pains they caused from our living so we can receive the peace of God and lead a cheerful life.

Forgiveness is sometimes a painful process. It becomes easier to forgive when we surrender our hearts to God so He can take away the pain, heal our heart and give you His peace.

God wants us to live our best life. anger, bitterness and sadness are undoubtedly major obstacles to peace and progress. When we take the first step to submit to God, He gives us the grace to forgive freely and help us to make wise decisions going forward.

Meanwhile, forgiveness does not mean that it is okay for you to be mistreated. It doesn’t mean you have to remain in a toxic relationship or let a bad person hurt you again. One of the benefits of surrendering our hearts to God is that He gives us the wisdom to let go and also love toxic people from a safe distance.

It is POSSIBLE to forgive some people completely and still choose to stop doing life with them so that they won’t drag you into the pit of pain again. Forgiveness does not mean you have to give someone another chance to hurt you, it means you give yourself another chance to heal and have peace.

Love without forgiveness is like a bird with one wing, it can’t fly. Love enables us to give cheerfully and forgive freely.
Forgiveness is not an option, it’s the only lifeline we have to live, love and lead a beautiful life. Unforgiveness is the coffin where peace, joy and progress are buried.

Intentionality is the key to true forgiveness. Start the process today. Pray for grace to let go and let God. Bury the desire to revenge. Be humble enough to acknowledge your role (if any) in the conflict. Acknowledge the fact that those who hurt you are hurting too, only a broken person will break another person. Shun blame the game. Seek counselling if you must. View offences with the lens of love.

It’s time to stop burning with bitterness and unforgiveness. Cancel your agreement with anger and animosity. Embrace the freedom, peace, love and joy that comes with the package of forgiveness.
I pray that God will give you the grace to forgive yourself and others and, heal from every pain they brought to you.

© Adeleke Adeite

Have you been hurt by someone and you struggled to forgive them? How did you deal with the dispute and heal from the pain? Kindly share your story in the comment section. I love you my dearest family ❤❤❤

Say this prayer
Dear God, You are the author and anchor of my life. I acknowledge that you love me and also command me to love others.
I pray that You grant me the courage I need to forgive the person who has mistreated me. I have been struggling to heal and move on.
Lord, please strengthen me. I am afraid that if I forgive this person, I might get hurt again. Wipe my tears and increase my faith.
Give me the wisdom to see those who hurt me the way you see them. Guide me to sort things out amicably and move on.

Help me to let go of bitterness, but at the same time, protect myself so that I won’t get hurt again.
Give me more grace and strength to live in love, give cheerfully and forgive freely. Amen.

Love Won’t Let Me Breathe – A Poem

I have poured out my heart
on several stages and pages
but love won’t let me be,
it never departs or diminishes.

I have bailed my heart from the
bars and battles of passions
but love won’t set me free,
It holds me tight with delight.

I sometimes choose to lose,
refusing to wake up and show up
but love won’t let me fail,
it nullifies my flaws to qualify me.

I sometimes give my heart away
to be crushed on thorny altars
but love won’t let me bleed,
it seals and heals me eternally.

My heart has been poisoned
with sweet lies and deadly truths,
but love won’t let me die,
it detoxifies and fortifies me.

Whenever I choose to live out loud,
faking happiness and flaring hope,
love won’t let me breathe,
it buries me till joy blooms again.
© Adeleke Adeite

Thank you for visiting my blog again dear friends. ❤❤❤ Have you ever felt restrained by love? Kindly share your views and experiences in the comment section.

Happy weekend to you all.

Trading Tears and Facing Fears

When our hearts are filled with tears
and our spirits stifled with guilt and fears.
God is always there to see us through;
His peace and love are timeless and true.

When bright days get dark and deary
and we seem to get weak and weary;
God is always ready to see us through,
His grace and light are limitless and true.

When sin and sorrow sting our souls,
and blunders make us blind to our goals.
God is always there to see us through;
His mercies are matchless and true.

When it’s hard to stand and understand
why life sometimes feels like quicksand
God is always there to see us through,
His strength in us priceless and true.

Trade your tears and face your fears
God loves, sees, knows and hears…
Go borrow vessels, not a few
God’s provision is matchless and true

Arise and look within, God lives in you,
Even if You can’t feel it, He stands by you.
No matter what like takes you through,
God’s promises are timely and true.

© Adeleke Adeite

Hey friends, thank you for reading this. I’ve been feeling low for quite some time now, I found strength in the promises of God and His power to perform every promise.

What do you draw strength from whenever you feel lost, limited and lonely?

My Sweet Friend – A Poem

Who taught my weary soul to smile,
and helps me go the extra mile
whose arms of love make me agile?
My sweet friend.

Who gives me pleasure in my pains,
and holds my hands in tough terrains
till I harvest sweet golden grains?
My sweet friend.

Who never leaves me in distress,
and always lifts me out of stress
who always sows seeds of kindness?
My sweet friend.

Never will I this gem deny!
whether I fall, fumble or fly,
our lovely bond will never die.
My sweet friend.

Under the sun and in the rain,
in fiery furnace and fountains
our love will rise, radiate and reign.
My sweet friend.

I love converting happiness and hurts to hymns, I love turning pain and pleasure into poetry. Today, I decided to turn the tales in my head into tributes, eulogizing every sweet soul that has been a blessing to me. Thanks to all my sweet friends and family.
© Adeleke Adeite

Do you have sweet friends? How do they make you feel?

Forever Freed In Christ Alone

We all were blameless in the beginning
but the serpent staged an unnecessary ending.
Exposed to sin, we were stained,
estranged in sin, we were chained.

This terrible tale is as old as time;
mankind got cocooned in a cool crime.
Stripped, there was nowhere to hide,
cursed to perish in passion and pride.

It was for love that Christ Jesus died;
to crush our chains, He was crucified.
The Holy Lamb of God knew no sin
gave His precious life, lost souls to win.

For him, there’s no mountain too high,
not even the devil’s biggest lie,
no cross, no cave, no thorny crown
could stop him from chasing us down.

To ransom all, Jesus paid the price; the greatest of all-time sacrifice.
No greater love can any soul display,
this grandest gift none can repay.

Our fall was fatal, blood was the cure,
the ransom was great, priceless and pure.
Jesus’ blood was shed once and for all,
to save mankind, He heeded death’s call.

God rolled out this perfect plan
to give abundant life to every man.
Limitless love poured out at Calvary
did change man’s eternal destiny.

Through Christ’s death and resurrection,
we have with God an eternal connection.
To Satan’s ploy, your are no more a slave
Christ has conquered death and the grave.

He lived, loved and left a lasting mark.
His rising resounds, all creations hark.
Death is defeated, sin is overthrown,
forever freed are we, in Christ alone!

© Adeleke Adeite

How would you describe the love of God?

Making Happiness Common

If love is the only thing we have on earth, no soul will starve to death.

When I was 11 years old, I could remember a particular night that I and my siblings were sure of going to bed hungry. I was so starved and broken that I began to cry by the roadside, one of my mother’s friends saw me sobbing profusely and asked me what the problem was.

I narrated our ordeal to her. She went to meet my mom who felt so embarrassed to admit that she was a broke and broken single mother who couldn’t provide dinner for her children.

That night, I and my siblings went to bed well-fed, all thanks to my mom’s friend – she didn’t just give us dinner, there was something about her action that night that made me know that love is all we need to heal the world.

Covid has brought other kinds of pandemic in its wake (unemployment, hunger, mental health issues) and so we need another kind of vaccine. Around the world, more than enough food is produced to feed the global population – yet over 690 million people still go to bed hungry. What could have been the problem? I am sure it’s not about food distribution but greed and corruption.

Hunger is not just the discomfort associated with a lack of food but the distress associated with a lack of love. In our world, we have two tribes of malnourished folks, those suffering from undernutrition and those suffering from overnutrition.

Hunger seems to be the gulf between the greedy and the needy. Food security on the other hand is not just about the availability of food but the affordability and accessibility of food to the global population.

A healthy, hopeful and happy life begins when a person has adequate availability and constant access to nutritious and good food. Our world will be a better place when we don’t have to worry about where the next meal will come from.

We know that a peaceful world cannot long exist, one-third rich and two-thirds hungry -Jimmy Carter

It is often said that a hungry man is an angry man – no doubt, emotional stability is connected to nutritional stability. This reminds me of the Ubuntu story from Africa.

An Anthropologist proposed a fun game to some African children. He placed a basket of sweets near a tree and made the children stand 100 meters away. Then said that whoever reaches first would get all the sweets in the basket.

After he screamed ‘ready, steady, go!’
The children’s action mesmerised him. They all held each other’s hands, ran together towards the tree, shared the sweets equally among themselves, ate the sweets and smiled.

When the Anthropologist asked them why they did so, They answered. “Ubuntu.” Which simply means, “How can one be happy when the others are sad?”
Ubuntu in their language means “I am because we are”. This is a timely and timeless message for all nations and generations, all tongues and tribes and all people in all places – Let’s spread love, hope and joy everywhere.

I ask my friend, how can one be full when others are hungry? Collective prosperity is the only way to achieve world peace. Let’s make kindness common in every way we can. Touch a life today, make someone happy. Heal the world by injecting more love and light into the souls around you.

Let’s have a “Ubuntu” life.

We are apostles of affection
from a healing bloodline
We don’t give to receive
We give to reveal the nature
and the culture of our kingdom.
A kingdom of love and light
with blessings unending.
We are custodians of kindness
and wellsprings of sweetness.
Love is not what we feel or
what we do, love is who we are,
It’s locked in our blood and bones.
We are bred from a loving lineage,
genetically wired to be generous
and configured to be courteous.
We live to give and forgive,
we spread love and speak life
to everyone and everything around us.

Do you believe that we can end hunger in the world? What can be done? Please share your thoughts in the comment section. Thank you for reading.

Declaration of Victory Day 46

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony Colossians 3:14 Declare this I am kind and considerate at all timesI am committed to improving the lives of those around meI am a love beingI live at […]

Declaration of Victory Day 46