Goodbye – 9th Anniversary Poem

Hello, my amazing WordPress family.

I hope it’s not too late to wish you all a happy new year. I’ve missed you all.

Yay! It’s my 9th blogversary on WordPress and I must say it has been an enriching and exceptional experience sharing my thoughts and life experiences with you all.

To celebrate this feat, I’ll share a piece I wrote this morning with you all. It’s a poem of hope and healing that sprung up in my soul after I had gone through three weeks of emotional pain.

Goodbye yesterday, goodbye yesteryear.
Goodbye to failure, frustration and fear.
It’s a new dawn, it’s a new season.
I’ve climbed God’s hills, it’s a new horizon.

Goodbye guilt, goodbye gloom.
Goodbye darkness, death and doom.
Hello hope and healing, I am free again.
Christ has saved me from the pit of pain.

Goodbye tension, goodbye trauma.
Goodbye deep depression and drama.
Hello, faith and freedom – my new companions.
I am no longer a slave to negative opinions.

Goodbye affliction, goodbye addictions.
Goodbye reproach, regret and restrictions.
Hello, redemption, I have the victory.
I am saved from every mess and misery.

Goodbye hardship, goodbye hostility.
Goodbye suffering, sorrow and scarcity.
Hello harvest, there’s no more hindrance.
I am swimming in sweetness and superabundance.

Goodbye dismay, goodbye disappointment.
Goodbye rage, wrath and resentment.
Hello, favour, I’m loved and limitless.
I am graced with glory and greatness.

Goodbye, hurts, goodbye haunting shadows.
Goodbye weariness and worry windows.
Jesus’ joy and peace now flow in my soul.
Christ has transformed and made me whole.

Goodbye to the broke and broken me.
Goodbye to the voiceless version of me.
Hello, joy, the blessings are abounding.
I’m a champion, my victory is resounding.
© Adeleke Adeite 2023

If you are inspired and strengthened by this piece, share your favourite line/verse in the comment box.
Kindly share this piece with your family and friends.

Keep rising. 🤗❤️

My Secret Place – A Poem

Come explore my secret place
and I’ll show you my scars,
flaming letters written, signed
and sealed with teardrops.

Journey with me into the night
and I will be your sunshine
redeeming the times with rays
of hope, faith and love.

I’m a soldier seeking no safe space,
this bleeding body is holy ground,
this sanctuary is a battlefield,
I offer sweet worship in warships.

This life can’t be taken, it’s eternal,
in the crushing, I become new wine,
in the burning, I become pure gold,
and in death, I turn grave to a garden.

I am lustrous light, sacred salt,
dispensing divine flavour and colours.
I’m the type of sun that burns to shine,
brewing healing and hope in oceans deep.

So come explore my secret place
and I’ll show you my scars,
the sacred tapestry of my victories
in the valley of pernicious shadows.
Copyright © Adeleke Adeite

What will I find in your secret place? Share in the comment section 💛💛💛

Thank you for exploring my secret place through my blog. 🌹🌹

Portrait of Possibilities – A Poem

I choose to be a sacred sanctuary.
It does not matter
whether I am a cottage in a slum,
or a castle with a luxury lawn.
Whatever I am,
I will welcome divinity into myself
with arms open wide.
I want heaven’s glow to be evident,
as a signal glimpse of the bliss within me.

If my roof is thatched,
let it be the shadow of the Almighty.
If my tank is half full,
let its content be the water of life.
If all I have left is five loaves of bread,
let it be blessed by Jireh.
I want to hungry, thirsty and desperate
for more of God’s love, light and life.

I want to shine with shalom
when my heart quakes with cares
or when the rod of life breaks my passion
that I silently crash
into a million broken pieces.
A million messy pieces, a million scars
proclaiming God’s mercies
every morning.

I want to lie down in green pastures,
and make God’s promises the pillows
on which I lay my hurting head.
When my thoughts are nothing
but a colourful crown of thorns
that fuels grief and starves my faith,
I will hold them with hope,
and nurture them with truth,
until they evolve into a wreath –
a diadem of grace around my head.

I will not plunge into the pool of self-pity,
panic and pressure.
With joy, I will draw water from the well
of hope and salvation.
Whether the day is dark
or the twilight stars sleep in despair.
God is in this temple, heaven is here.
there is light in tunnels and dark alleys,
there is joy in the valley of shadows.

I am a portrait of possibilities,
I am here to happen, and made to manifest.
I am salt, I am lustrous light,
I am God’s sanctuary.
I am enough.

© Adeleke Adeite

Trading Tears and Facing Fears

When our hearts are filled with tears
and our spirits stifled with guilt and fears.
God is always there to see us through;
His peace and love are timeless and true.

When bright days get dark and deary
and we seem to get weak and weary;
God is always ready to see us through,
His grace and light are limitless and true.

When sin and sorrow sting our souls,
and blunders make us blind to our goals.
God is always there to see us through;
His mercies are matchless and true.

When it’s hard to stand and understand
why life sometimes feels like quicksand
God is always there to see us through,
His strength in us priceless and true.

Trade your tears and face your fears
God loves, sees, knows and hears…
Go borrow vessels, not a few
God’s provision is matchless and true

Arise and look within, God lives in you,
Even if You can’t feel it, He stands by you.
No matter what like takes you through,
God’s promises are timely and true.

© Adeleke Adeite

Hey friends, thank you for reading this. I’ve been feeling low for quite some time now, I found strength in the promises of God and His power to perform every promise.

What do you draw strength from whenever you feel lost, limited and lonely?

An Affirmation a Day

A affirmation a day
keeps anxiety at bay.
Speak life over yourself every day
Enjoy victory all the way.
Get Whispers of Winners today.

Winning Over Worry

I always get tempted to worry about the things I can’t change, but at the end of the day, I discover that there has been a ready-made solutionn for those things, and my worry was worthless.

We all get tempted to worry about certain situations on our lives, and it seems Covid has made anxiety a more acceptable way of dealing with issues.

However, we all must realise that the major difference between worry and concern is this: a worried person tries to carry a mountain, and a concerned person tries to climb a mountain.

This reminds me of this old parable.

Death walked toward a certain city. The watchman of the city stopped Death and asked, “What are you going to do? “I am going to kill 20 thousand people,” said Death. The watchman went into the city immediately and warned as many people as he could. The next day, it was reported that 80 thousand people had died.

The man met Death again later that day and said, “You told me that you were going to kill 20 thousand people, but 80 thousand people died yesterday.” Death replied, “I only killed 20 thousand people, the other 60 thousand were killed by worry and panic”.

Anytime I have cause to worry, I remind myself that worry is not only a waste of time but the graveyard where peace and joy are buried. Why should I worry when I’m not a mortician?

Seven Features of Worry.

Worry is a profitless pressure.
Like a rocking chair, worry will give you an activity to do, without a real achievement to show for it. It offers motion without movement.

Worry is a pointless pursuit:
If you treat every stormy situation as a matter of life and death matter, you will live once and die a lot of times.
We are born again every day, we all have more than one life to live: the good life, the better life, the sweet life, the old life, the new life, the impactful life, the beautiful life. Add yours. Life is vast.

This is how I win

Worry is a pitiable prison.
Don’t turn a problem into a perpetual prison. Worry traps people in their old truth and stops them from rewriting their old story. Worry prevents people from enforcing necessary endings and enjoying new beginnings.

Worry is a painful paradise.
The looming tragedies that worry projects are imaginary. They are not certain. Your worst fear may never happen at all.

Worry is a pathetic pastime.
A pity party is not fun at all. No person will come knocking at your door asking to join your worry hang out. Worry puts you in a position where you feel comfortable with confusion and complications.

Worry is a pressure cooker.
Worry saps a great deal of a person’s emotional energy and can leave him completely drained and depressed.

Worry is a parasitic partner.
Worry never solves a thing, it makes you focus on the things that has gone wrong, and how they can get worse. Worry robs people of their peace, sleep, joy, hope, faith and love, and sometimes, it saps the life out of them.

How To Win Over Worry.

Tackle the trigger.
Identify the root cause of your worry and find resources or people that can help you deal with it. The antidote to your greatest worry is sometimes just a call, a counsellor, a click away.

Fix your focus.
Your priority matters. What you pay attention to will determine what you get. Life is operated on the ‘Pay As You Go’ system. If you pay attention to solution, you will get it.

Partner with Peace.
Peace is not the absence of trouble but the presence of God during troubles. We cannot control everything but we can create a system that sustains peace in the storm. Piece is always present but we need to position ourselves to enjoy it.

Pay attention to God’s promises.
We do not hold the world in our hands, but if we can hold the hands of the God who holds the world, we will be safe.
Life’s storm rages on its course, thriving through it all depends on our staying power and what we pay attention to.
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3.

Pray and Play with passion.
Worry often makes people pray less. However, you don’t have to do long hours of prayers to snap out if worry.
Panic is a wrong response
to the things you can’t control.
Prayer is the right response
to things under God’s control.
Take time to have fun too. Like people say around here “Problems don’t finish”. Success is a product of problems.

Arise and Affirm
Study God’s words and find out the promises that take care of the problems you may be facing. Speak love, speak life, speak blessings and speak victory over yourself.
You can get a copy of Whispers of Winners here for daily doses of affirmations that keep worries at bay.


Hey friends, say hello to my first collaboration with my friend from S.A. Theodore Ndlovu

Love lives in the ocean.curing all bad moods,the waves wiping away worries,the waters seasoning every soul,Love is an endless expanse of wonderradiating with its vastness,a mysterious passion it is.It stretches across the horizon,and kisses eternal shorelines. Love lives in the sky.weaving a story through the subtle clouds.fabricating a newly discovered picture within seconds. Love lives […]


Making Happiness Common

If love is the only thing we have on earth, no soul will starve to death.

When I was 11 years old, I could remember a particular night that I and my siblings were sure of going to bed hungry. I was so starved and broken that I began to cry by the roadside, one of my mother’s friends saw me sobbing profusely and asked me what the problem was.

I narrated our ordeal to her. She went to meet my mom who felt so embarrassed to admit that she was a broke and broken single mother who couldn’t provide dinner for her children.

That night, I and my siblings went to bed well-fed, all thanks to my mom’s friend – she didn’t just give us dinner, there was something about her action that night that made me know that love is all we need to heal the world.

Covid has brought other kinds of pandemic in its wake (unemployment, hunger, mental health issues) and so we need another kind of vaccine. Around the world, more than enough food is produced to feed the global population – yet over 690 million people still go to bed hungry. What could have been the problem? I am sure it’s not about food distribution but greed and corruption.

Hunger is not just the discomfort associated with a lack of food but the distress associated with a lack of love. In our world, we have two tribes of malnourished folks, those suffering from undernutrition and those suffering from overnutrition.

Hunger seems to be the gulf between the greedy and the needy. Food security on the other hand is not just about the availability of food but the affordability and accessibility of food to the global population.

A healthy, hopeful and happy life begins when a person has adequate availability and constant access to nutritious and good food. Our world will be a better place when we don’t have to worry about where the next meal will come from.

We know that a peaceful world cannot long exist, one-third rich and two-thirds hungry -Jimmy Carter

It is often said that a hungry man is an angry man – no doubt, emotional stability is connected to nutritional stability. This reminds me of the Ubuntu story from Africa.

An Anthropologist proposed a fun game to some African children. He placed a basket of sweets near a tree and made the children stand 100 meters away. Then said that whoever reaches first would get all the sweets in the basket.

After he screamed ‘ready, steady, go!’
The children’s action mesmerised him. They all held each other’s hands, ran together towards the tree, shared the sweets equally among themselves, ate the sweets and smiled.

When the Anthropologist asked them why they did so, They answered. “Ubuntu.” Which simply means, “How can one be happy when the others are sad?”
Ubuntu in their language means “I am because we are”. This is a timely and timeless message for all nations and generations, all tongues and tribes and all people in all places – Let’s spread love, hope and joy everywhere.

I ask my friend, how can one be full when others are hungry? Collective prosperity is the only way to achieve world peace. Let’s make kindness common in every way we can. Touch a life today, make someone happy. Heal the world by injecting more love and light into the souls around you.

Let’s have a “Ubuntu” life.

We are apostles of affection
from a healing bloodline
We don’t give to receive
We give to reveal the nature
and the culture of our kingdom.
A kingdom of love and light
with blessings unending.
We are custodians of kindness
and wellsprings of sweetness.
Love is not what we feel or
what we do, love is who we are,
It’s locked in our blood and bones.
We are bred from a loving lineage,
genetically wired to be generous
and configured to be courteous.
We live to give and forgive,
we spread love and speak life
to everyone and everything around us.

Do you believe that we can end hunger in the world? What can be done? Please share your thoughts in the comment section. Thank you for reading.

Declaration of Victory Day 86

Lead me in the right path, O Lord , or my enemies will conquer me. Make your way plain for me to follow. Psalm 5:8 He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. Psalm 23:2 Declare this I find favour to swim in sweetness,I grow in grace and greatness.I enjoy […]

Declaration of Victory Day 86

The Sides and Sizes of Success

Have you ever felt depressed after viewing videos and different photos on social media? Have you ever wondered why every other person seems to be doing better than you because of the things they post online? Do you see yourself as the last and the least among your peers based on your current struggles and status?

You are not alone, many of us are on this table.

However, the truth is, some of us have failed to realise that success is not always about growing faster and bigger, it is sometimes about growing deeper and stronger.
Most deeply-rooted plants do not bear fruits rapidly, but they grow stronger, last longer and eventually produce more fruits than shallow-rooted plants.

Don’t feel worthless because you are not producing the kind of results others are producing. Not every form of growth is noticeable. Celebrate your small wins. Your little effort may not attract great ovation and accolades. Take solace in the fact that God’s approval is more important than men’s applause.

Don’t be jealous of the greener grass on the other side, focus on your field, water your ground with pride and engage grace for sustainable growth. Don’t get depressed by the growth and greatness of others, celebrate them and build up faith for your rising.

Rising first or rising fast cannot be compared to rising fully and remaining fruitful. Don’t rush the process, don’t ignore the principles. Success happens in stages and cycles.

Keep developing and deploying your gifts, don’t be pressured by the progress of others. Comparing yourself to others based on their result is an insult to the investment of God in your life. We are all wired to win. Celebrate those who are winning.

Identify your grace, find your pace, occupy your space and run your race. You are not created to be better than anyone, God created you to be the best version of yourself.

No one is doing better than you. You are designed to be different. You are destined to make a difference. Your difference is your shade of excellence. Everyone has enough space and grace to win.

The fact that your growth is not striking
does not mean you are stagnant.
The fact that your belly is not protruding
doesn’t mean you aren’t pregnant.
Success has different expressions
and dimensions. You are pregnant with grace and greatness.

You are not lost or left behind. Focus on what God is doing within you, and not on the things happening around you.

Don’t settle too soon, keep grinding. Don’t settle too small, keep growing.

Thank you for reading. I believe that this article has blessed you, kindly share it with your friends and family. Save a soul (smiles). Do well to drop a comment too. You know I love feedback. 🥂🥂🥂❤❤

© Adeleke Adeite