What Love Can Do

Love performs
everything it preaches.
Love reforms
everyone it reaches.
Love transforms
everything it touches.

Love rewrites
sour and sweet stories.
Love ignites
golden gains and glories.
Love unites
moments and memories.

Love commands
respect and responsibility.
Love understands
the heartbeat of humanity.
Love stands
in prosperity and in adversity.

Love sings
a priceless and perfect part.
Love springs
from a honourable heart.
Love brings
joy and makes pains depart.

-Adeleke Adeite

Hallelujah (Hymn)

Let us all us arise to rejoice
Waves and oceans roar with great voice,
God preserves us by His great love,
watches over us like His dove
and feeds us with bread from above.

Goodnews to the weary and sad,
God will make the gloomy so glad,
For our sake Jesus bled and died;
to give life He was crucified,
Healing flows from His bleeding side.

Though thick cloud covers the blue skies,
Tears may soil our blurred crimsoned eyes,
When in Christ resides our focus,
through this world He’ll guide and lead us,
and in Heav’n we’ll sing this Chorus
©2013 Adeleke Adeite