If I Must Love Again

I am in love again but this seems so special…
my heart was once locked, I stopped being social.
I do not know what opened my heart again
but I hope this would not end in the usual pain.

My desire to love was frustrated by fear…
my heart was broken by pains that I could not bear.
I wish I could hold back this new emotion
but they are like the waves on the ocean.

I was made to believe that love was never real
but this seems to me like a real deal…
I was loved by ladies I do not want to talk about…
that I loved them back was a fact I still doubt.

This new fire of desire is not just ordinary…
it is a love for someone that is extraordinary…
I am not in love with a lady, if that’s what you think.
I am in love with me, please let’s have a drink.

I once hated myself for my past errors,
I was also haunted by some terrible terrors.
All those pains and regrets did not go in vain;
I must start with myself if I must love again.

Change Begins When Chain Beckons

When money becomes a man’s greatest motivation,
timely treasures metamorphose into timeless temptation…
his desire to be richer than others will be the foundation
upon which he will build the castles of corruption.

When reckless rodents become the rulers of a great nation,
they preen in the pomp of power, prejudice and perdition…
And in their boisterous bid to win the next general elections;
they mortgage the future fortune of unborn generations.

A nation without a definite destination needs no direction…
to such, every side attraction becomes a source of distraction.
Since manners and morals were murdered by modernization…
Common crimes have become the core creed of our civilization.

“Change begins with me” is our new national salutation,
let every man carry out a mental environmental sanitation.
Politicians should embark on a socioeconomic disinfection…
Budgeting billions to milk millions should go into extinction.

Investors should put service before profit maximization,
Consumers should put need before undue satisfaction.
Family and societal values should be given optimum attention…
We do not need to re-brand a product still under construction.

If political offices continue to be a juicy platter and position
for the few to get economic and financial domination…
We should put the change-chains in the right direction,
Change begins when chain beckons on terrifying traditions.