Every Heart Has Its Passion

Every book has its author
Every vessel has its anchor
Every soul has its substance
Every flower has its fragrance.

Every face has its beauty
Every race has its dignity
Every soul has its language,
Every messenger has his message.

Every sunrise has its brightness
Every sunset has its darkness
Every honey has its sweetness
Every mortal has its weakness.

Every emotion has its motion
Every detention has its tension
Every heart has its art
Every structure has its part

Every ocean has its billow
Every fountain has its flow
Every sky has its colour
Every spice has its flavour.

Every society has its culture,
every creature has its nature
Every reality has its reason
Every plant has its season

Every King has his kingdom,
Every sage has his wisdom
Every mountain has its height
Every warrior has his might.

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Every scar has its injury
Every bar has its jury
Every malady has its remedy
Every error has its tragedy

Every religion has its ideology
Every device has its technology
Every bubble has its bend,
Every trend has its end.

Every trash can has its garbage
Every product has its package
Every furnace has its flame
Every object has its name.

Every business has its resource
Every resource has its source.
Every action has its reaction
Every attraction has its distraction.

Every mansion has its brick
Every magic has its trick
Every rainbow has its allure
Every spell has its cure.

Every shape has its dimension
Every talent has its expression
Every pursuit has its pain
Every pain has its gain

Every puzzle has its clue
Every currency has its value
Every victory has its price
Every defeat has its spice.

Every kingdom has its royalty
Every alliance has its loyalty
Every statement has its writer
Every battle has its fighter.

Every lightning has its thunder
Every masterpiece has its blunder
Every comfort has its zone
Every crown has its throne

Every heart has its passion
Every soul has its mission
Every blade has its edge
Every brain has its knowledge.
©Adeleke Adeite

What’s your favourite line? Feel free to drop a line in the comment section. Kindly share with your friends too

The Uniqueness of You – A Poem

You are not a biological accident,
there’s a purpose for your existence.
None of us is a superficial experiment,
everything about us brews excellence.

More than a bag of flesh, blood and bones,
there is a drop of divinity in your heart.
Never to be traded like gemstones,
you are God’s priceless work of art.


The true reflection of your beauty
is the smile you put on someone’s face.
The true measure of your prosperity
is how you make the world a better place.

You’re here to happen, don’t just occupy space,
dare to spread love in all spheres…
Your life is garnished with great grace,
use your allure to shift atmospheres.

You are designed to demystify divinity,
live humbly and make God proud.
You are made to amplify humanity,
live cheerfully and love out loud.

Death is not life’s greatest tragedy,
but a life lived with its true purpose.
To feature in life’s greatest tragicomedy
is to live pursuing another man’s purpose.

No one is better or worse than you,
your deftness and defects divinely align.
Appreciate the uniqueness of you,
everything about you is God’s design.
© Adeleke Adeite


I believe that everyone is born for a purpose and we all dispense different flavours and colours of divinity. Have you figured out your flavour? What makes you unique? Please share in the comment section.

Trading Tears and Facing Fears

When our hearts are filled with tears
and our spirits stifled with guilt and fears.
God is always there to see us through;
His peace and love are timeless and true.

When bright days get dark and deary
and we seem to get weak and weary;
God is always ready to see us through,
His grace and light are limitless and true.

When sin and sorrow sting our souls,
and blunders make us blind to our goals.
God is always there to see us through;
His mercies are matchless and true.

When it’s hard to stand and understand
why life sometimes feels like quicksand
God is always there to see us through,
His strength in us priceless and true.

Trade your tears and face your fears
God loves, sees, knows and hears…
Go borrow vessels, not a few
God’s provision is matchless and true

Arise and look within, God lives in you,
Even if You can’t feel it, He stands by you.
No matter what like takes you through,
God’s promises are timely and true.

© Adeleke Adeite

Hey friends, thank you for reading this. I’ve been feeling low for quite some time now, I found strength in the promises of God and His power to perform every promise.

What do you draw strength from whenever you feel lost, limited and lonely?

My Sweet Friend – A Poem

Who taught my weary soul to smile,
and helps me go the extra mile
whose arms of love make me agile?
My sweet friend.

Who gives me pleasure in my pains,
and holds my hands in tough terrains
till I harvest sweet golden grains?
My sweet friend.

Who never leaves me in distress,
and always lifts me out of stress
who always sows seeds of kindness?
My sweet friend.

Never will I this gem deny!
whether I fall, fumble or fly,
our lovely bond will never die.
My sweet friend.

Under the sun and in the rain,
in fiery furnace and fountains
our love will rise, radiate and reign.
My sweet friend.

I love converting happiness and hurts to hymns, I love turning pain and pleasure into poetry. Today, I decided to turn the tales in my head into tributes, eulogizing every sweet soul that has been a blessing to me. Thanks to all my sweet friends and family.
© Adeleke Adeite

Do you have sweet friends? How do they make you feel?

Our Diversity Our Dignity

Don’t think too low or too high of yourself.
Be confident but not arrogant,
Be humble but not ignorant.
Adore others but don’t be a sycophant.
Don’t force a fish to fly,
Don’t spur the sparrows to swim.
Don’t compare an ant to an Elephant.
No one is better than you.
No one is inferior to you.
No one is White and no one is Black.
I mix my coffee with milk,
not because of their colours
but the uniqueness of their flavours.
Use a white marker on a whiteboard
and a black pen on a blackboard,
see the essence of diversity and inclusion.
We are more than tags and labels.
We all are exquisite expressions of God.
You are not the colour of your skin,
You are the graces you carry within.
Your value is measured by how you value others.
True wealth is not about affluence but influence.
We are all sacred and significant.
Different flavours, different colours,
There is dignity in diversity.
© Adeleke Adeite

Share your thoughts on diversity in the comment section. You know I love reading your amazing feedback. Thank you ❤

An Affirmation a Day

A affirmation a day
keeps anxiety at bay.
Speak life over yourself every day
Enjoy victory all the way.
Get Whispers of Winners today.

Winning Over Worry

I always get tempted to worry about the things I can’t change, but at the end of the day, I discover that there has been a ready-made solutionn for those things, and my worry was worthless.

We all get tempted to worry about certain situations on our lives, and it seems Covid has made anxiety a more acceptable way of dealing with issues.

However, we all must realise that the major difference between worry and concern is this: a worried person tries to carry a mountain, and a concerned person tries to climb a mountain.

This reminds me of this old parable.

Death walked toward a certain city. The watchman of the city stopped Death and asked, “What are you going to do? “I am going to kill 20 thousand people,” said Death. The watchman went into the city immediately and warned as many people as he could. The next day, it was reported that 80 thousand people had died.

The man met Death again later that day and said, “You told me that you were going to kill 20 thousand people, but 80 thousand people died yesterday.” Death replied, “I only killed 20 thousand people, the other 60 thousand were killed by worry and panic”.

Anytime I have cause to worry, I remind myself that worry is not only a waste of time but the graveyard where peace and joy are buried. Why should I worry when I’m not a mortician?

Seven Features of Worry.

Worry is a profitless pressure.
Like a rocking chair, worry will give you an activity to do, without a real achievement to show for it. It offers motion without movement.

Worry is a pointless pursuit:
If you treat every stormy situation as a matter of life and death matter, you will live once and die a lot of times.
We are born again every day, we all have more than one life to live: the good life, the better life, the sweet life, the old life, the new life, the impactful life, the beautiful life. Add yours. Life is vast.

This is how I win

Worry is a pitiable prison.
Don’t turn a problem into a perpetual prison. Worry traps people in their old truth and stops them from rewriting their old story. Worry prevents people from enforcing necessary endings and enjoying new beginnings.

Worry is a painful paradise.
The looming tragedies that worry projects are imaginary. They are not certain. Your worst fear may never happen at all.

Worry is a pathetic pastime.
A pity party is not fun at all. No person will come knocking at your door asking to join your worry hang out. Worry puts you in a position where you feel comfortable with confusion and complications.

Worry is a pressure cooker.
Worry saps a great deal of a person’s emotional energy and can leave him completely drained and depressed.

Worry is a parasitic partner.
Worry never solves a thing, it makes you focus on the things that has gone wrong, and how they can get worse. Worry robs people of their peace, sleep, joy, hope, faith and love, and sometimes, it saps the life out of them.

How To Win Over Worry.

Tackle the trigger.
Identify the root cause of your worry and find resources or people that can help you deal with it. The antidote to your greatest worry is sometimes just a call, a counsellor, a click away.

Fix your focus.
Your priority matters. What you pay attention to will determine what you get. Life is operated on the ‘Pay As You Go’ system. If you pay attention to solution, you will get it.

Partner with Peace.
Peace is not the absence of trouble but the presence of God during troubles. We cannot control everything but we can create a system that sustains peace in the storm. Piece is always present but we need to position ourselves to enjoy it.

Pay attention to God’s promises.
We do not hold the world in our hands, but if we can hold the hands of the God who holds the world, we will be safe.
Life’s storm rages on its course, thriving through it all depends on our staying power and what we pay attention to.
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3.

Pray and Play with passion.
Worry often makes people pray less. However, you don’t have to do long hours of prayers to snap out if worry.
Panic is a wrong response
to the things you can’t control.
Prayer is the right response
to things under God’s control.
Take time to have fun too. Like people say around here “Problems don’t finish”. Success is a product of problems.

Arise and Affirm
Study God’s words and find out the promises that take care of the problems you may be facing. Speak love, speak life, speak blessings and speak victory over yourself.
You can get a copy of Whispers of Winners here for daily doses of affirmations that keep worries at bay.

Declaration of Victory Day 95

And are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, Romans 3:24 “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited and redeemed his people Luke 1:68 Declare this I am rescued, restored and redeemed, Nothing is permitted to hold me bound. I am empowered and […]

Declaration of Victory Day 95

Forever Freed In Christ Alone

We all were blameless in the beginning
but the serpent staged an unnecessary ending.
Exposed to sin, we were stained,
estranged in sin, we were chained.

This terrible tale is as old as time;
mankind got cocooned in a cool crime.
Stripped, there was nowhere to hide,
cursed to perish in passion and pride.

It was for love that Christ Jesus died;
to crush our chains, He was crucified.
The Holy Lamb of God knew no sin
gave His precious life, lost souls to win.

For him, there’s no mountain too high,
not even the devil’s biggest lie,
no cross, no cave, no thorny crown
could stop him from chasing us down.

To ransom all, Jesus paid the price; the greatest of all-time sacrifice.
No greater love can any soul display,
this grandest gift none can repay.

Our fall was fatal, blood was the cure,
the ransom was great, priceless and pure.
Jesus’ blood was shed once and for all,
to save mankind, He heeded death’s call.

God rolled out this perfect plan
to give abundant life to every man.
Limitless love poured out at Calvary
did change man’s eternal destiny.

Through Christ’s death and resurrection,
we have with God an eternal connection.
To Satan’s ploy, your are no more a slave
Christ has conquered death and the grave.

He lived, loved and left a lasting mark.
His rising resounds, all creations hark.
Death is defeated, sin is overthrown,
forever freed are we, in Christ alone!

© Adeleke Adeite

How would you describe the love of God?


Hey friends, say hello to my first collaboration with my friend from S.A. Theodore Ndlovu

Love lives in the ocean.curing all bad moods,the waves wiping away worries,the waters seasoning every soul,Love is an endless expanse of wonderradiating with its vastness,a mysterious passion it is.It stretches across the horizon,and kisses eternal shorelines. Love lives in the sky.weaving a story through the subtle clouds.fabricating a newly discovered picture within seconds. Love lives […]