1. Dare to be different.

Uniquiness is the fragrance of creativity. One of the ways to steal people’s heart is to stimulate their senses with something spectacular.

2. Take calculated risks

The fear of failure triggers mediocrity. Failure is not the opposite of success, it is one of the main ingredients of success. Don’t be afraid to fail, learn from your mistakes and create masterpieces out of messy pieces. It is risky not to take risk.

3. Plan, Prepare and Practice.

Dream big, start small and pursue excellence. Every tall tree is a product of a small seed that was planted and nurtured over time. Don’t focus on the green grass on the other side. Your grace will get greener when you water the ground with faith, patience and diligence.

4. Brainstorm ideas.

Train your brain to capture possibilities. The most beautiful things in the world are products of creative imaginations. While some men see trees as firewood, some see trees as beautiful furnitures. It takes a creative mind to transform trash to treasure.

5. Challenge yourself

You are a product of possibilities, designed to be ingenious and impactful. However, you can only produce results when you move from comfort zone to growth zone. Creativity requires taking up challenges, making hard choices and effecting drastic changes. Our world is driven on the wheels of change, and change is born when challenges marry good decisions.

6. Set smart goals.

Work with a sense of purpose and priority. A purposeless life is a meaningless life. Innovation requires intentionality. Have a crystal clear purpose for the product you desire to create. Your vision gives more value to your creative abilities. Write down your vision and let it be your driving force always

7. Explore new territories.

Learn from other people’s experiences and tap from their expertise but desire to be a pacesetter. There is nothing new under the sun, but there are newer, better and smarter versions of existing things. Have a mentor but carve a unique niche. Having a coach should not stop you from having a different approach.

© Adeleke Adeite

What steps are you taking to hone your creative skills? Share them with me in the comment section, I’d love to learn from you too. Thanks for reading. I love you ❤❤


  1. Thank you for providing and sharing with us some of your creative paths. Just latching onto one could take me onto a blessed creative journey.
    They are all beautiful roads travelled by an experienced mind, we can only find deep treasures and rich textures within ourselves if we dare to embark upon this journey.

    Liked by 1 person

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