35 Shades of Grace

35 Shades of Grace

I smile like there’s no sorrow,
and when sorrow strikes, I smile again.
I sing like there is no one listening,
and when someone listens, I sing again.

I love like there is no deception,
and when deception comes, I love again.
I live like there is no tomorrow,
and when tomorrow comes, I live again.

It’s been 35 years of living out loud,
though there were days I died in silence.
It’s been 35 years of learning to soar
though there were days I sank in silence.

I came this far only by grace,
life has happened to me many times.
I run into God’s warm embrace
even when I commit common crimes.

I turn pain into a work of art,
because I carry God’s creative force.
I brew hymns in my hurting heart
because God is my inexhaustible source.
© Adeleke Adeite

I will be 35 on the 29th of August and I wish to engage in 35 acts of kindness before that day. Kindly suggest some acts of kindness I could explore in the comment section. Thank you for reading my desrest family ❤❤❤🤗🤗

14 thoughts on “35 Shades of Grace”

        1. Wow! That’s great to know.
          I wish you all the best in your various endeavours.

          All is well with me, I’m navigating this season with hope and faith.
          By the way, share your medium link with me.


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