Open Arms and Pointed Finger

Some friends and family find it hard to assist you to get your business ideas and career prospect become a reality because they are in a social and financial competition with you.
Strangers find it easy to help you, sometimes because they do not feel any sense of competition.
Our greatest disappointment will not come from strangers but from close associates. Not really because they are bad people, it is in human nature to compete. We fast forget that our destinies and destinations differ.
However, it is important to know that help comes from God and He chooses to use the most unlikely people in the strangest of ways and in unknown places.
It is our expectations that get us disappointed, not the people we depended on for help.
Stop expecting too much from people, everyone has a cross to carry. Pursue your dream with open arm and not with pointed fingers. Stop blaming friends and start welcoming helpful strangers.
You are your own best friend and biggest fan.
Adeleke Adeite.