The Sides and Sizes of Success

Have you ever felt depressed after viewing videos and different photos on social media? Have you ever wondered why every other person seems to be doing better than you because of the things they post online? Do you see yourself as the last and the least among your peers based on your current struggles and status?

You are not alone, many of us are on this table.

However, the truth is, some of us have failed to realise that success is not always about growing faster and bigger, it is sometimes about growing deeper and stronger.
Most deeply-rooted plants do not bear fruits rapidly, but they grow stronger, last longer and eventually produce more fruits than shallow-rooted plants.

Don’t feel worthless because you are not producing the kind of results others are producing. Not every form of growth is noticeable. Celebrate your small wins. Your little effort may not attract great ovation and accolades. Take solace in the fact that God’s approval is more important than men’s applause.

Don’t be jealous of the greener grass on the other side, focus on your field, water your ground with pride and engage grace for sustainable growth. Don’t get depressed by the growth and greatness of others, celebrate them and build up faith for your rising.

Rising first or rising fast cannot be compared to rising fully and remaining fruitful. Don’t rush the process, don’t ignore the principles. Success happens in stages and cycles.

Keep developing and deploying your gifts, don’t be pressured by the progress of others. Comparing yourself to others based on their result is an insult to the investment of God in your life. We are all wired to win. Celebrate those who are winning.

Identify your grace, find your pace, occupy your space and run your race. You are not created to be better than anyone, God created you to be the best version of yourself.

No one is doing better than you. You are designed to be different. You are destined to make a difference. Your difference is your shade of excellence. Everyone has enough space and grace to win.

The fact that your growth is not striking
does not mean you are stagnant.
The fact that your belly is not protruding
doesn’t mean you aren’t pregnant.
Success has different expressions
and dimensions. You are pregnant with grace and greatness.

You are not lost or left behind. Focus on what God is doing within you, and not on the things happening around you.

Don’t settle too soon, keep grinding. Don’t settle too small, keep growing.

Thank you for reading. I believe that this article has blessed you, kindly share it with your friends and family. Save a soul (smiles). Do well to drop a comment too. You know I love feedback. 🥂🥂🥂❤❤

© Adeleke Adeite

34 thoughts on “The Sides and Sizes of Success”

  1. “Don’t settle too soon, don’t settle too small, keep rising, keep growing.”🍂
    IS WORTH THE FIGHT! One should not settle, If one wants the prize one can’t quit at halftime. One can’t quit mid-season. one should go through the cold, through the darkness, and the challenges.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a great post Adeleke that so many of us can relate to and it is so important to honor our strengths and not compare ourselves with others. We all have gifts and the growth is in honoring our process and in celebrating others as well.
    Keep inspiring us with your gifts of truth and love! 💖

    Liked by 1 person

  3. WOW! That’s all I can say…. 😮
    What you wrote is really amazing. I’m so touched and moved. Thank you Adeleke for sharing God’s wonderful blessing and gift, through your inspiring and encouraging words. You always pour out the sweetness in your heart in your masterpieces. May God bless you always. Keep on writing and inspiring. 💗💗💗

    Liked by 1 person

  4. One can only pray with your insights into success offering real, true and authentic meanings and feelings that the generations calm down and not be swept away with the tide of the other and their success , but like you said appreciate each other in a genuine way. Mental health is an important matter in the age we are living.
    Sober insights.
    Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Success is beyond sparkles and flickers. We must nurture the unseen brightness and blessings locked in our hearts. The source is more important than the channel…

      I appreciate your feedback my friend.

      How have you been?

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Lieber Adeleke, vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag. “Gottes Zustimmung ist wichtiger, als der Applaus der Menschen.” Da haben sie recht!
    Jede noch so kleine Arbeit, jede Berufung, jede Kunst, jede Musik etc. sind der Weg zum Ziel, zum Ganzen, dienen der Entwicklung der Vollkommenheit, sind Weg zu sich selbst, zu GOTT. Menschen, die bereits GOTT in sich entdeckt haben, brauchen einen solchen Teil der Offenbarung nicht mehr. Warum auch, wenn sie sich bereits als GANZES entdeckt haben? Diese Menschen wissen, dass jede Arbeit, jede Kunst eine göttliche Offenbarung ist, wenn sie aus dem Herzen des Menschen kommt, dem Grade entsprechend, den der Mensch erreicht hat.

    Sie brauchen kein äußeres Wachstum mehr, denn sie sind am Ziel durch die Quelle aller Liebe geworden. Sie leben in GOTT. Ihr Bewusstsein ist EINS geworden mit dem Sein.

    Ich freue mich sehr über Ihre Veröffentlichungen. Einen lieben Gruß aus Deutschland sendet Ihnen Gisela.
    Gott möge Sie und Ihre Arbeit segnen!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liebe Gisela, danke für dein tolles Feedback. Ich bin immer von Ihren Kommentaren gesegnet.

      Sie haben immer einen Hauch von Himmel und göttlicher Weisheit. Vielen Dank, dass Sie durch Ihren zum Nachdenken anregenden Kommentar immer das Wesen der menschlichen Existenz in den Vordergrund gerückt haben. Ich bete, dass Gott Sie weiterhin in Gnade, Weisheit und Glauben vermehrt.

      Viel Liebe für dich, mein Freund.

      Liked by 1 person

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